Apparently September is second only to December on the list
of the most stressful months. Why? Because it is a month of reorganization, a new
schedule, and change. For me personally,
September is a period of “adjustment” as the routines of the summer (or lack
thereof) dissolve, and new patterns emerge.
I always start with the best intentions. I make and post signs to cue my kids to my
expectations of them in the morning and after school. Alarms are set to make sure that people are
getting up, dressed, and to the bus without skipping breakfast. A lunch chart is made (by them, with
parameters of course) so that I can shop for the food they will eat, and know
that most of the stuff I send won’t return uneaten. Closets are cleaned and organized, and their
clothes have been inventoried, shuffled, and replenished as needed. The fall and winter gear have been surveyed
to see what is needed before the first cold-front strikes. My husband and I have had “the talk” about
who is doing what, who is working when, and who will get the girls here, there
and everywhere. Everyone has been
registered for all their fall activities, after checking our calendar and
determining that we, as two parents with four kids, can manage the organized
chaos that is extracurricular activity.
Okay, I see why September is stressful.
There are many ways to try and manage the stress that is
created during this period of transition.
Personally, my planning for September starts in July. Yes, it’s true…our kids are barely out of
school and I am planning for their return.
Similar to planning for Christmas I suppose, being ahead of the crowd
can go a long way. For example, stress
can be reduced when a list of “to dos” is created, and time is set aside, week
by week, to accomplish each task.
Involving the kids in the planning is not only a valuable way to
delegate some of the responsibility, but also a way for them to learn the
skills of organization, and to be part of the return to school process. For example, our kids clean their own closets
and inventory their own clothes, they sort through the school supplies from
last year, and they always come shopping with us for back to school items as
this reduces the returns.
But like joining a gym, these new routines will be difficult
to maintain and it will take perseverance, dedication and effort to try and
develop and sustain the new schedule and any accompanying mental, emotional,
and physical anguish that comes from change.
It will take at least four weeks for the stress of the new schedule to
subside, and for everyone to find their groove.
This is the part I call “adjusting” and is defined as the time when I
get quiet, more focused, and need some extra sleep.
But even more important than planning and organizing early,
is knowing what you are capable of handling, and making sure you do not bite
off more than you can chew. Everyone
varies in their ability to plan, organize, look ahead, and tackle change. If these are struggles for you, then take it
slow, reduce the demands, start early, and ask for help. After all, soon after we survive
stress-tember we be engulfed in the most stressful month of all – dread-cember:
my personal nemesis.
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